Friday, March 18, 2011

Miss Pennsylvania 2010

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." –Ralph Waldo Emerson

As Miss Pennsylvania, I spend a great deal of my time on the road. As long as some drives may be, it provides ample time for me to reflect and think about whatever is on my mind. The other day I glanced down at the odometer and noticed that I had just hit the 100,000 mile mark on the Miss PA car, and it got me thinking about what that humble little car represents. Contrary to popular belief—or just elementary students—I am not escorted in a limo nor do I touch down at my appearance in my own personal jet. My means of travel may not be that appealing on the outside, but what it represents is something so much greater than a shiny paint job or fancy wheels. I am the fourth Miss Pennsylvania to drive that car and each and every mile that we have put on it has been dedicated to service. Collectively we have reached the achievement of traveling 100,000 miles across the commonwealth to high schools, parades, fundraisers, and even children’s hospitals devoting our time as Miss Pennsylvania to improve the lives of others. To think that I have been able to contribute and share this with my role models is staggering. Its monetary value is nothing compared to what that car represents. If steering wheels could talk I bet we would have a pretty neat conversation. J

When I signed off the last time I had just made it home from Williamsport. Since then I have been to all corners of the state spreading my message. On October 21st & 22nd I reached over 1,500 students at three different schools, speaking about my platform. Each time I speak to a group of students I have the potential to save at least one person from making a destructive decision. Some of these schools even had groups that were formed to address bullying in their schools. It is so inspiring to see teenagers step up and take the initiative to join such a group and choose to be role models for their peers. I wish every school across the state had an anti-bullying program!!

On October 23rd, I attended a fitness expo at the Indiana YMCA. Here, I signed autographs and interacted with the attendees of the event. My table just happened to be right next to that of the “Power Team”, which is a group of power lifters that travel the world to perform fitness routines and give inspirational lectures. One lady brought a Pennsylvania license plate, had me sign it, and then gave it to one of the power lifters to RIP IN HALF!!! Needless to say, these guys were very muscular! I also had the unique opportunity to compete in some games like those on “Minute to Win It!” If you are not familiar with this game show, you are given household objects and a challenge that you must complete in one minute. I had a stack of red cups with a green one on the bottom. I had to remove a cup from the top, one-by-one, and place it on the bottom until the green cup was at the very top. I was the only one to complete it in a minute without dropping the cups! I was very excited!!! Some of the children that attended the event recruited me to play some games with them that they do during their gym class. Let’s just say I’m glad I wore my flats that day. J

October 29th was truly, an amazing day. This is one appearance I will never forget. The DuBois Middle School asked me to speak about my platform as part of their Red Ribbon Week. The magical day began as soon as I stepped up onto the sidewalk in front of the school. The group “Step Up”, which is a group of 8th grade students that do anti-bullying campaigns as well as provide substance abuse awareness at their school, met me at the front doors with signs and banners that said, “Welcome to Dubois Middle School, Miss Pennsylvania!” I felt so special and welcomed by these students. They were so excited to have me there. That morning I gave three presentations to the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. After lunch, there was an assembly in the gymnasium where the students pledged to be drug free. Not only was that a memorable moment, but one student let it slip that my birthday was the next day and the ENTIRE SCHOOL sang happy birthday to me and presented me with a bouquet of flowers! And it doesn’t end there! Following the assembly, all 1,500 students encircled the building and joined hands to validate their pledges to be drug free. We even made the local news!! I really wish I could accurately describe the emotions that I felt that day. It was so inspirational. What amazing kids…

The next day was my actual birthday. I woke up and headed over to Hamburg, PA for their annual King Frost Parade. As soon as I arrived, a band approached me and started playing “Happy Birthday”. Now, at this point I’m thinking that a certain Miss Pennsylvania Business Manager—Mary Meister—told the parade coordinator that it was my birthday. When I met with my driver at the convertible the signs on the side of the car even said “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”. Then I had the town of Hamburg singing to me, too! Following the parade, the parade coordinator presented me with the most beautiful cake. It truly was the best birthday ever!

On Novmber 4th, I attended a booster club meeting in Phillipsburg, NJ, which is right across the Pennsylvania border. I spoke about my platform as well as my love for sports. I also had the exciting opportunity to attend the event with former Miss Pennsylvania, Judy Guinosso! The next night I attended the Easton High School football game—which happens to be Phillipsburg’s biggest rival—to take part in the ceremonial coin toss at the beginning of the game. Word did get to Easton that I was in Phillipsburg, but fortunately they weren’t too upset with me. J

I have really been keeping busy, especially with adding Miss America prep into the mix. Jeremy Hoy at Finish First Sports Performance has really been keeping me motivated and pushing my endurance with his incredible workout routines. I am also able to keep up with my current events while I’m on the road with my “News Radio” iPhone App! My Dale Carnegie course that I have every Wednesday has also been very helpful in my preparations. I highly recommend it!

Two months from today I will be debuting my new “techno twist” on the Miss America stage in Las Vegas, Nevada! I can’t believe it’s so soon! As I mentioned in my last entry, if you are interested in attending my send-off party on December 5th at 2p.m. in Brookville, PA at the Pinecrest Country Club (an invitation will be sent out and posted shortly), please email me for R.S.V.P. information at: There will also be a Chinese Auction taking place, and if you or someone you know would like to donate a gift basket or an item to the auction, I would sincerely appreciate it.

I want to close by thanking you all for your support. The cards, notes, and emails I have received are so uplifting. The Miss Pennsylvania Class of 2011 is quickly coming together and I am so happy for all of the newly crowned contestants! This weekend I am finally able to attend my first local of the season—Miss Allegheny Valley/Miss Armstrong County. I want to wish all of the girls competing the BEST of luck, and I cannot wait to see you all. J

As always, thank you for following along!

With Love,


Courtney Elizabeth Thomas

Miss Pennsylvania 2010

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